Perks of Learning Swift Programming Language
Those who are already engaged with the iOS app development, there are no divergent ways to the fact that they already know the benefits. But on the contrary for the newbies still looking out to build their career might not exactly know. For quite a long time, Object C was the sole language used developing iOS apps. Objective C is the subset of C with added benefits of dynamic runtime and object-driven features. Well, the perspective of iOS app development was shaped in a different manner with the launch of Swift by Apple. The newer programming language was referred to as objective C being devoid of C.
Now, Swift was accepted with an open heart by the iPhone developers as it was safe, easy, modern and easy to learn and use. Also, Swift allows a great level of interactivity in the development process. The features in Swift simplifies the common patterns that are used in Objective C. Generics, closures, and type of interface used in Swift are comparatively easier to use. Swift is a combination of both C and objective C eradicating the hurdles that are tagged along with both of them. The attractive part is support of Cocoa Touch and Cocoa which clear outs the understanding of app development for Apple devices. If you are anywhere thinking to indulge in iPhone training and become an iPhone developer, learning Swift is mandatory.
Benefits of Swift Programming Language
1) Security Tightened
One of the biggest benefits of Swift is that it eradicates the unsafe code classes. Also, in case of Swift, there is automatic managing of the memory, elements and arrays are checked for the overflow and the variables have to be initialized before using. The syntax is made a lot simpler, let is used for the constants, and keyword var is used for the variables. The Swift safe pattern has also been tuned for the Cocoa Touch and Cocoa APIs. Hence, iPhone app development has been made easy and not to forget secure.
2) Modern Programming
Swift programming language has been developed by making the latest research on all the languages prevalent in the market and bring the best out of all. This language is like a blessing for developers as it saves them from the tedious task of defining all the variables which they are regularly using in development. Also, you can’t toss aside the basic advantage of automatic garbage accumulation that Swift offers. This clearly means that there will be an automatic disposal of the information which is not used and free up the blocked memory rather than developers having to do the memory management manually. Swift has also made the semicolon option removing the chance of errors occurring because of it.
3) Fast
Swift was built in a way to make the development process fast. If you intend to be an iPhone developer, you have to learn Swift fast. Its advisable to join a training institute that offers live project training. There is an integration of highly efficient LLVM compiler which will mutate the Swift code into an optimized native code for optimum utilization of the devices. To enable the code to perform at its best, standard library and syntax are also tuned up.
4) Interactive Playground
We can consider interactive playground to be one of the unique perceived benefits of the Swift language. Just a single line of code input and this language will instantly show the output. Also, if there is a loop in the coding then its progress can be monitored on the timeline assistant. The playground will enable the developers to experiment with the newer API and benefit out of it.