PHP or Ruby on Rails: Which Developing Career You Should Pursue?
1994, the inception year of the PHP programming language. Yes, it has been here for such a long span of time. PHP is basically for web development and dynamic content. Coding for PHP relates to the HTML to entail the coder to change the content as per their needs.
Coming to ruby, it started in 1993 but was actually launched in 1995 as a scripting language. It is more powerful than the Perl along with being highly object-oriented compared to that with Python. Even though being in the market since such a huge time span, it was never able to gain that much attention. Now here we are making a comparative study of ruby on rails vs PHP.
It started getting popular post-2005 after it tied up with the rails. Ruby on rails is a language combined with a framework, whereas PHP is a stand-alone language.
If you are on the verge of career choice and not able to decide whether to opt for PHP training or to opt for ruby on rails training. Here is a comparative study of both of them. Check for yourself and decide which suits your skills the most.
PHP vs Ruby on Rails: What Is Better
1) Scalability
Both PHP and ruby on rails both have an equal ability of scaling. Well, based on the number of resources that ruby on rails uses compared to PHP, issues of scalability will start more early in the life cycle of your app. Scaling most probably on the designing of the mobile app.
However, being a developer if you don’t have enough knowledge or experience of scalability, there are sources available in PHP. Whereas coming to ruby on rails there is a very limited pool of information. This can be a drawback for ruby on rails and upper hand for PHP.
2) Web Hosting
There are plenty of web hosting companies that have support for PHP language. Whereas, ruby on rails gets support from the only Unix based server.
Taking this into consideration, we can say that PHP has a better chance from a web hosting perspective. Even ruby on rails apps are getting better with the introduction of Heroku.
3) Speed and Performance
There are no divergent ways to the fact that coming to the speed, PHP codes run faster than that of ruby on rails. What makes Ruby on Rails better is that you just need to code a few lines and you can complete your task.
Well, you can easily choose which one is better, the one with speed or the one with less effort and prompt work?
4) Framework
If we take PHP and ruby on rails for comparison from a framework viewpoint, there is a tie. Both PHP and ruby on rails have a great MVC architectural framework.
There is an array of a compatible framework like CodeIgniter, CakePHP, and Zend for PHP. Keeping the rails aside, even Ruby has great frameworks like Vintage and Sinatra. Hence, the conclusion is both are equally great.
5) Testing
Well, well, well, testing is a complex and complicated job when it comes to PHP and it is totally opposite with ruby on rails.
Developers are at ease for testing with the introduction of R-spec for ruby on rails. For PHP, it is the same with CakePHP, but by making certain changes in the code.
6) Memory Usage
PHP will utilize lesser memory space. This is by default as it doesn’t have any overhead of web framework. For Ruby on rails, they will take more space. This clearly means that PHP will be faster as compared with ruby on rails.
Well, the majority of the points are in the favor of PHP, but you can take your own call. Even if you are choosing PHP, you will need to indulge in the live project training in PHP to be a pro at it.