Android or iOS: Which One Is Easy To Get Started With?
When any intuitive idea pops in your head, you are all in your dreamy world, seeing it live on every device and earning a bulk of reputation and revenue.
Well, is it that easy to get it done?
Is it even the right way to get it deployed on all the possible platforms?
Isn’t it too much time-consuming at first and risky at second?
I know I just shot a series of questions at you, the answer to which you probably not know. The prime decision lying in your way is to choose the right platform for a start. Now, this is a big decision I know. If you are an established developer, you have already picked your platform and framed your career therein.
On the contrary, if you are still a newbie and wondering whether to opt for iOS training or Android training. Then here is a full explanation of which platform is better to get started and why.
At present, Android covers a huge market. The platform is highly prevalent in low-income territories and developing countries. iOS is not behind in market share. But it is more prevalent in areas with higher income zone where people can make a heavy investment in the app development. The users of Android are comparatively vast than iOS.
Here are some of the comparative facts that will help you get to the right conclusion.
Comparison Between Android or iOS
1) Deployment Date
One of the major comparing standards for both platforms is the time from development to deployment. We all know that Android is an open-source platform but when it has various carriers and OEMs. Just because of this reason, iOS is one step ahead of Android when it comes to adoption ratio or deployment dates.
Let’s clear this fact with figures. 95% or more iOS users use the latest version of iOS and only 20% of the Android users are such who are using the latest version of the Android. Hence, it concludes that the deployment dates of iOS apps are early. As it has focused on the development, testing, and deployment of the latest iOS version.
2) Revenue Generation
The revenue generation of both these platforms is directly related to Apple and Google. There is no question both are earning impressive revenue.
However, if you are on the verge of choosing whether to pick an Android or iPhone training course then pick the one with greater revenue and better scope. As we discussed earlier, Android has more market coverage, but iOS is more prevalent in an area with high incomes. Hence, the iOS platform is more lucrative compared to Android.
3) Features
Android being open-source, it provides greater access to the operating system to the developers. There were Android apps that were even built with custom ROM. This clearly signifies that certain apps are only for Android and can’t run on the iPhone.
Which Platform is Better?
If you are focusing on developing countries and the target audience for your app is average-income people. Then Android is the right platform for you. However, deploying an app on Android is slower compared to iOS.
The majority of the developers choose to develop an app on the iOS platform at first and then move to Android. You can also do the same, but only when you are highly skilled with this platform. If it is a retail app and you intend to generate more revenue out of it than iPhone development training is the best platform to opt for.