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Blunders of Android App Development

Android App Development Blunders You Should Keep Distance From

The biggest and most popular platform is Android at the current date. This means it has revenue, it has an audience, it has a potential user base, and it also has extreme competition. There is no room for mistake when you want to develop and deploy an Android app. One single mistake and the user will instantly find the alternate for your app. Also, there will be plenty of alternatives offering them what you have. To generate a loyal and non-abandoning user base, you need to offer them something that none other app offers and that too glitch free.

There won’t be any point in deploying an app that is badly coded, crash at times, have bugs, and is confusing for the users. Users won’t be attracted at such sites at first and even if they land, they will leave immediately. If your dream is to deploy your Android app in the Google Play Store, here are some of the popular blunders to avoid while developing it.

1) The Scourge Of Android OS

The market of Android is very wide with different Devices supporting different versions of OS. There are things to be taken care of like hardware configurations, screen size, architecture, software, and such things. Make sure to develop an app that fits all of the above requirements.

So, now as an Android developer, what should pay heed on is testing the app with various devices. However, this is also not a full-fledged solution. Even if you test your app with different devices, there will still be a possibility of your app not working on a certain device. So, instead of focusing on the device fragmentation, try to focus more on the clean code. It will be useful in the long run.

Android App Development Mistakes

2) Design And Develop App Solely For Android

Android users are used to using specified material design and some core functionality with Android. Apps designed and developed purely for the Android platform provides out of the box user experience. However, this will not be the same when an app developed for the iOS platform is ported to Android.

The user experience will be very different from the apps that are built from scratch for Android and the one that is ported from iOS. However, while you are the Android training program, learning both of them is better. You never know what might come into use during the course of your career.

3) Not Focusing On The Latest Version

We just discussed the device fragmentation issue with Android. Because of this, there are a set of developers who develop the app compatible with the version which is used the most. They neglect the latest version of Android. This is one of the blunders of Android app development which developers should stay away. Always develop an app that is compatible with the latest Android version.

4) Ignorance Of Intents

At times Android developers know the intention of building the app. However, they are so much ingrained with their own process and don’t make changes as per app agenda. This can impact the app negatively. User, as well as the agenda of the app, must be the focal point of the app development. When an app is developed with keeping intent at focus, the heavy lifting of the features and functionality would be done by the Android platform itself and not by the app.

If you are an experienced developer, you must have faced all these scenarios during the course of your development. But, for the newbies at the verge of starting their career, all these things are extremely important. Join Developers Academy to get Android training and learn things to do and things not to do very minutely.

Android Training in Ahmedabad

Why Do Students Pick Android For Final Year Project?

For those who want to shape their career as a mobile app developer has to pick a language Android or iPhone. It’s a major dilemma for those with no experience, no guidance, and lots of pressure to pick one platform, develop something on that platform, and submit it to the college as their final year project.

The students will always choose the platform that seems a bit easy going for them which is Android. Android has the biggest play store with 2.6 million apps. The demand for developers is also high and hence the students enrolling to the Android course are also very high.

If you are on the verge of making your decision for the final years project and baffled with whether it is a good idea to opt Android or not? Here are some of the reasons why students prefer Android. After reading all the reasons if you think it is something you agree with, you can get your final answer.

1) Easy Adaptability

For developing the final year project in Android, students need to have basic understanding and knowledge of Java. Well, that’s the best part as this is something they have already learned during their college years. So, they don’t have to deal with something which is totally unknown to them. A plus point with Android. Now, where Android offer a certain level of familiarity, there is no such thing with the iPhone. For developing a final year project on the iPhone, the student needs to learn objective C which is nowhere in their college syllabus.

2) Leading Market

Android is the leading OS in the Asian market with a 47.55% market share. Just China with the highest population have 90% of their mobile devices running on the Android OS. It might take you for a surprise but, Android is also leading in the US market with 54.4% devices running on the Android. On the contrary Apple is the second leading market in the US with a 44.3% market share. This might also be one of the reasons why students choose Android over iPhone.

Android Training Institute

3) Better Earning Abilities

You develop your project with Android and have the chance to earn from it. The submission guidelines are very easy, the licensing fees are very minimal, and approval is easy as fishing in a barrel. If your projects get massive users, you can generate revenue from it before even getting hired at any top IT company.

On the contrary, the iPhone app store has very strict guidelines. The chance of acceptance is as equal as the chance of rejection. The process takes 3 to 4 weeks with no such guarantee of seeing your app live after such wait. So, the chances of earning from your baby project are low with the iPhone platform.

4) Flexibility

Android entails the flexibility of open environment which allows to publish the data through one app and use it in a totally different app. This flexibility is not availed in case of iOS apps. It has limitations on using one app’s data in other any other app. Apps developed by different developers work on every Android device. This gives liberty to the developers to develop unique apps as per their convenience.

Wrapping Up :

All the factors above make Android one of the leading choice for building a career. All you need to do is to join the top Android training institute in Ahmedabad and equip the required skills and knowledge to get started.

Learning Curve For Android App Development

What Is The Learning Curve For Android App Development?

The market for Android app is rising. The best way to prove is the escalating figures of the number of apps in the Play store being 2.6 million. This is a glittering opportunity for the developers to follow this path and make a career which has a bright future. Every business intends to have a mobile app of their own which gives the developer a fair amount of work. As an Android, you can join the top companies and are also open with the option of working as a freelancer.

If you are not in an extreme hurry to start earning money, I would suggest taking proper training from an Android Training Institute. The learning curve of Android development when you enroll for training would be somewhere between 3 to 6 months.

If you want to get a little acquainted with Android development before starting Android classes, here are some of the points you can learn.

Learning Curve For Android App Development

1) Do Little Homework

Android is basically operating system and platform which comprises of tools and languages which works together. So, get yourself acknowledged with the below factors.

  • Programming logic of Java.
  • UI components which are basically XML and Java.
  • HTTP and SQLite for data storage.
  • HTTP, XML-RPC for connectivity.
  • ANT and Gradle for compiling.

Just learning Java would be pointless if you can’t code using that language. But, that you can leave on your Android training. Just get a basic idea of all the concepts and hence you can merge them properly when needed.

2) Learn About The Tools

Android platform is here since quite a long span. This has made it very mature but wide. There are plenty of tools available to aid the developers in their developing process. There are several professional Android developers who don’t use these tools are don’t even know about them. You don’t want to be one of them. So, better to learn about them. The broken code can be a great way to learn them.

Learning Android Development

3) Search Precisely

When it comes to software development, knowing where to find is one of the most essential things. The better you know what to find and how to find, the easier will your learning curve be.

Let’s know what will you learn in your training period:

  • The first and basic thing, you will learn in your Android training will be an introduction to Android.
  • Post that you will learn the basics of Core Java.
  • Fundamentals of the Android app will be next in the queue.
  • Dynamic layout, material design, and Google API are among the essentials in the list.
  • For Android app development, you also need to learn the libraries, SQL, and shared preferences.
  • Server connection and multiple device support are also in the bucket list.

Once you are done with learning all the above-mentioned things, you will be working on a live project. This will give you the experience of what you have learned till date can be utilized in reality. This is one of the most important parts of the training.

If you are searching for the institutes for training, Developers Academy can be a good fit fulfilling all your needs. Also, the cherry on the cake is along with the training, you also get the chance of placement and job opportunities. So, stop thinking and start acting.

Android App Development Trends

Android App Development Trends To Follow in 2019

The new year brings in new opportunities, new possibilities, and new hope. When it comes to technology, it survives because of this concept of new. If the technology doesn’t evolve, people lose interest in them. These trends have to change and change for the better. In the current tech-driven world, you need to stay abreast with each one of them to be in demand.

If you are anywhere related to Android whether it is Android training or running an Android development company, or an individual Android developer, this is something everything category need to lay their eyes on. Let’s get started with the Android trends that will dominate 2019.

Android App Development Trends in 2019

Statistics About Android App

  • There are total 2.6 million apps in the Google play store as of December 2018.
  • Average user uses almost 40 different apps every month.
  • Users spent almost $20.1 billion by making a purchase on the Google Play Store.
  • A huge amount of people ingrains 1.2 months of the total year in mobile apps. This gives developers time and audience to showcase their product in front of the users.


This stats clearly shows the importance of Android apps these days. So, if you are having thoughts on whether you should become an Android developer or not, my answer to the question is just get yourself enrolled in an Android training institute. If you are finally going this way, knowing before date what’s waiting on the way is worth. So, let’s take a drive on the trends of Android.

Follow Android App Development Trends 2019

1) Kotlin Language

We have discussed a lot about Kotlin and any more discussion would be repetition. But, this cannot keep it out of this list. When it comes to trends 2019, Kotlin is one such trend we cannot keep out. Kotlin is the creation of the same team that created an integrated development environment and hence it has no issues that developer had with Java. If you are hooked with the thought will it be complicated to switch from Java to Kotlin? Well, it is really simple. You just need to have a Kotlin plugin which will convert the Java files into Kotlin automatically in your IntelliJ or Android Studio. One of the biggest issues with Java was nullability which is no more existent in Kotlin as it has null right in its type system.

2) Flutter

Flutter is all in the news and why would it not be. It is one of the leading trends for 2019. We have heard all our lives app development is costly and needs a huge investment. Well, what if we say not that’s not entirely true. Flutter is a way to build an app in a cost-effective and timely manner. It’s a cross-platform SDK introduced by Google. It makes use of the Dart language which is also Google’s creation and similar to JavaScript. Well, it is currently in its beta version and will be released entirely in early 2019. Flutter avails faster development with quick building UI and hot reloading features. Android developers can make use of their existing Java and Kotlin code to build a native app with Flutter.

3) Android AI Assistant

The advancement in this sector has been a humongous one. There was a time when the Siri was the highest achievement in AI which is of course not the same anymore. With AI giants like Google assistant, IBM Watson, and Sophia, Android AI is uplifted like never before. It’s like AI is spreading its root in every corner of the globe. Even the homes are becoming smart and AI equipped with Google Home and Amazon Alexa. 51% of the AI market share is consumed by the Google Assistant. The quality of AI is on the rise and in the past 3 years, it has shown a 93.9% increase. This clearly shows why it is one of the top Android app development trends that will prevail in 2019.

Employers Want Senior Android Developer

What Employers Are Looking For In A Senior Android Developer?

We just learned in the previous post about the skillset an employer is looking for in a junior Android developer. If you fall in that category, you know what skills to acquire and how to prepare yourself before you approach the employer. Now, if you don’t fall under the category of a junior Android developer, that would be of no use, there would be something else, something extra expected from your end. To those falling the under the senior category, here is a checklist of what employers are looking for from a senior Android developer.

Employers Want Senior Android Developer

1) Coding in Java

Well, despite the fact you are junior or senior, if you are an Android developer, you need to have this thing inbuilt in you. There are no divergent ways to this fact, Java is the must. An android developer without Java coding skill is like a body without a soul. Well, here I am not talking about the knowledge and basic understanding about Java, I am talking about the deep and solid knowledge and experience of working with Java. The skills of an Android developer should be beyond syntax to get the object-oriented skills which are underneath all the Java apps.

2) Coding in Kotlin

Now, this is also not just the basic knowledge and understanding, the senior Android developer should have their hands on this language. Senior should know the Kotlin properly and should also know how to teach it to the junior developers and make them competent enough to develop apps in Kotlin. Seniors should know how to combat challenges and solve issues in Kotlin app development.

seniour android developer

3) SQL

The app with even the little significance would need a strong backend to store the application and its data. For this, the developer needs to know SQL. The dominant database in the current time preferred and used by the Android developers is SQL and hence it is mandatory for the developers to learn and implement SQL for the database management.

4) XML

The functioning of your Android app is done with Java but to make it look good, XML is needed. The user interface and the layout of your app are made with using XML. Without an attractive user interface, the users are not going to use the app that’s for sure. That is why senior developer needs to have XML knowledge and its integration.

5) Android Studio

Android Studio provides an integrated development environment which gives you access to all the tools needed for the entire app development. It also provides you with the features and functions to test the app, remove the bugs and make it flawless. A senior android developer should know how to use the Android studio and find the shortcuts that will help to finish the development speedy and easy.

6) Material Design

Material design helps the app look how it should actually look. It shows you the guidelines of designing and how your app should look to compete in the market and look like the other Android apps. A senior Android developer should possess this skill to use material design and make the app have a nice look and feel to enhance the user interface and user experience.

Having these skills on your resume will increase the chances of you being selected for the post of the senior Android developer by your employer. Well, you might also be assigned a practical task to showcase your skill set and convince the employer about the practical implementation of the mentioned skills.

Junior Android Developer Jobs

What Employers Are Looking For In A Junior Android Developer?

The time is perfect for new developers to enter the IT industry and begin their journey. There are plenty of opportunities out there for them. To be honest, there is a room for everyone, they just need to equip themselves with the right set of skills and the experience will follow simultaneously. As a newbie android developer, your responsibility is to know what actually is needed by the company and when you know that and deliver that in the interview, there is rarely any chance of you being rejected.

So, if you want your employer to select you, some research on what they need, preparing yourself for those skills and delivering right when you are tested. Well, I know this sounds simple and when it comes to performing, it is highly difficult. Junior Android developers need a guide who can prepare them, train them, and help them grab a great job in one of the top IT companies. This is when Developers Academy can prove to be a great help to the junior Android developers. They not only give live project training, teach every bits and piece of Android but also prepare the trainee on how to present in the interview and what will get you selected. Here are some of the things employers are looking for in junior Android developers.

Employers Are Looking For Junior Android Developers

1) Java

The most basic thing you need to learn for Android development is Java. None of the employers will prefer a developer who is not well versed with Java. There are different technologies which can be used for Android app development majority of which are for native app development using Android studio or java or Eclipse as your IDE. When you are new in the market as a developer, you cannot be that good and know every teeny weeny detail of the latest version but what you should have is the basic knowledge about the syntax and structure of programming. Things like the loop, variables, lists, control structures, and object-oriented things like static, class, and inheritance. The knowledge and experience of documentation are also mandatory to learn new parts of Java SDK.

2) Kotlin Programming Language

This is new and advanced and also high in demand. So, being a new developer if you possess this skill, the employer will hire you no matter what. I am not telling Kotlin is the key to employment but it will definitely increase the probability of your employment.

Employeers Junior Android Developer


3) Android SDK

I don’t think there is any need to specify that a developer should know about Android SDK. The question here is what areas of SDK you should know? Here’s the exact list of things to help you learn on the earliest minute possible.

  • Data storage
  • Action bar
  • User input
  • Layouts and views
  • Collection views and adapters
  • Data fetching from web
  • Device compatibility

There are many more things you can learn but these are the basics any employer will look forward to.

4) API

I don’t want to repeat myself but working with API is like food for life. Fetching the data from the web is compulsory for the developer to know as plenty of apps these days have a network-based component. Not every post need this thing but there are developers who need to work with their own API or with some other third party API as well. Usually, this will be JSON or REST API through the XML or SOAP.

5) Back-end Skills

Not all the times but sometimes the job can also ask to work on the back-end. If you have equipped yourself with this skill, you have an upper hand as compared to other candidates applying for your job. You don’t need to dig deep and know every technology but just the basic knowledge would be of great aid.

Learn Native Mobile App

Everything You Need To Know About Native App Development

Native is a software which is used just for a single platform. That means if you are developing a mobile app, it will either be for Android or it will be for iPhone. It won’t be compatible with both the platforms. When it comes to separate development, native is the choice. Don’t judge this early whether it is good or bad. There are different areas to be considered before jumping to the conclusion.

From the basic introduction, you must have perceived a misconception native should not be chosen as it cannot work on different platforms and with different devices. Look at it from the other side, you can customize an app from a defined perspective and it works at its best in that particular platform and the particular device. That’s a pro you didn’t lay much focus on. Which type of clothes would be your preference ready-made or designer? Of course designer. It would be designed as per your needs and size.

You can customize it the way you want which makes the dress more comfortable and gives an added look. The same feeling you will get with a native app. A native app gives the liberty of giving the app your personal touch. When you make the comparison of native apps with web apps or cloud-based apps, they don’t allow you to integrate features like GPS. This gives native apps an upper hand over other apps.

Do you still want to make a conclusion with incomplete knowledge or want to explore the facts first and then make a decision? I guess you would want to continue with the other option and if it is so, continue reading ahead.

Native Apps and its Platform

When it is for MAC and PC, native apps are basically relevant to the Mail or contacts or Photos apps which are pre-installed and configured on every computer. These are like the basic amenities for the Mac and desktop. When these are used in the context of web apps, it basically means an app specifically written and coded to work on a specific platform or a specific device. The two major OS is Android and iOS. The developers first decide the device and then jump on to the OS. Say for example iOS apps written in Swift or iOS apps written in Objective C and coming to Android apps written in Kotlin or Android apps written in Java.

These apps tend to be faster, better, and flexible than other app categories which are why the business who are looking for quality wants a native app. If the concern is the need of an app on several OS then developing separate one of them for each always remains open.

Advantages of Native Apps

Popular Apps Developed on Native Platform

There are some of the big and popular apps which are designed using the native platform. Waze is one such popular apps on native. Coming to social media, Twitter is a popular app on native and coming to games Pokemon Go is an app on native. Its easier to integrate and access multiple services at one single time like GPS, notifications, accelerometer, and microphone. When more and heavy features are to be integrated into the app, there cannot be a better option or none of the other platforms can give the performance like the native. A native app can be directly installed in the mobile device and used flawlessly.

Pros of Native App

  • Rapid and smooth performance.
  • High-quality output.
  • Push notifications
  • Increased functionality in the app.
  • Top-notch UI and UX of the app.
  • Better ratings and review in the app store.

Cons of Native App

  • The increased cost of development.
  • The increased time span for the development.
  • Multiple times coding for different OS and different device.

Are You Looking for Developing A Native App?

If yes, you must be looking for a native app development company to understand your requirement and develop accordingly. If you are anywhere related to the development field and want to polish your skills and grow your knowledge and be competent enough to do it all by yourself then you need to join a training institute.

If you are looking for such institute then try Developers Academy which provides Android, iPhone, PHP, and web designing training. Pick your course and leave the rest on the institute. It covers the basic and advanced both the levels with live project training, placement and job opportunities.

java vs kotlin android programming

Sticking With Java Or Shift To Kotlin: What Should Android Developers Do?

Students of the last year were already confused with the thought whether to shape their career as an Android or iPhone developer. Now, if they have reached the conclusion of Android, Google has brought an added confusion: If Android, whether Java or Kotlin? I know the dilemma is a big one. This confusion is not just for the students but also for the established and experienced developers whether to use the traditional Java or advanced Kotlin.

Yes, I know making a decision at this moment is tricky which is why I am here to guide you. Well, I can just suggest, the ultimate decision lies in your hand. Before wasting a single moment I would like to give you the conclusion. If you are a fresher, putting your baby steps in the development industry for the very first time, then it is Java for you, my friend. If you are already a Java developer and have an immense amount of experience in this field, it is Kotlin for you Pal. Its tough for the newbies to jump right off to learn something which is new in the market. But, those who have survived the market, can explore the nuances and lucrative Android market.

Well, if you are cursing me Kotlin being the new language, more productive ones and now also the official language announced by Google, why the suggestion of Java? You won’t be following it blindly. You might be thinking this person might be insane or out of technical knowledge to suggest such a thing. But, hold on…let me explain what I said and why I said.

Java Vs Kotlin for Android developers

Java Vs Kotlin for Android Developers


Why Java for Beginners?

You need to know Android app development is not big of a deal, not a kind of community where companies are waiting for you as soon as you are done with Android training. In such case, when you initiate your career with a wide community of Java which directly relates to the increased chances of job opportunities. You have a bigger market to explore and bigger community to be a part of. Also, you can easily find a reputable Android training institute to get enrolled, gain the skillset and get started with your journey as an Android developer. For Kotlin, finding an institute and a good one is really difficult. More people are on the learning stage and very few on the expert stage. So, yes one of the reason, the beginner should begin with Java.

Coming to another reason and proving why I am not an insane person giving you this suggestion is troubleshooting sources. Hit the Google with any question relating to Java, you will be showered with plenty and correct solutions. Now, try the same with Kotlin, my friend you won’t get enough and accurate solution. Being a beginner, you will face a handful of problems and challenges but you can always run to Google and get them solved. Kotlin is new and less explored and hence you don’t have many resources for that.

Why Should Java Developers Learn Kotlin?

Now, let me prove the second suggestion I made. Kotlin is the newer programming language and basically the improved version of Java. Two things can be achieved at the same time with java: Time saver and productivity booster. A class which will need 30 to 40 lines of code can be replaced with just one if you shift from Java to Kotlin. Boiler-plate code can be set aside. Say, for example, the need for specifying equals(), toString(), hashCode(), or getters and setters() will be totally eradicated with Kotlin.

Kotlin will auto-generate all of this. Kotlin is entirely interoperable with Java and its bytecode is generated by Java and the good news is you can make use of your favorite Java libraries and frameworks in Kotlin. Well, at present a majority of the apps are in Java but looking forward to the way Kotlin is being accepted by the Android developer’s community and the benefits it avails soon the table is going to be turned. So, now that you have explored Java enough, it’s not such a bad idea to turn your ways towards Kotlin.

To the freshers, even though Kotlin is advanced, Java has been here for a long long time and isn’t going anywhere soon. So, take your time and get started with the Android training picking Java language and for the existing experienced ones, just go exploring Kotlin.

Learn Kotlin Programming Language

Introduction To Kotlin Programming Language

Lots of questions have emerged with the introduction of this new language. From where has this language coming? Are there any apps that have been successfully developed using Kotlin? Is it popular? Is it worth learning? Which place is best to learn? Well, take a deep breath, I will introduce you with Kotlin programming language for Android app development and answer all the questions and take you out of all the confusions.

What is Kotlin Language?

Kotlin is an open source programming language used for generating code which can run on the Java Virtual Machine. The development of this languages was done by JetBrains. The name Kotlin is originated from Kotlin island located near St. Petersburg, Russia. The syntax of Kotlin is not compatible with Java which is the basic language till date used to develop Android apps. However, Kotlin can interoperate with Java which clearly means that Kotlin can work with Java as well as works natively. Kotlin makes use of aggressive inference to know the type of expressions and values if they were not rightfully mentioned. This makes Kotlin very much different from Java which will need monotonous type specifications.

Kotlin was launched back in 2011 but it gained the popularity only after it was officially announced as the first class language for Android platform. Some of the popular companies like Netguru, Pinterest, Uber, and Atlassian started using Kotlin long before it got official support. If you are wondering, why? The answer is simple, because of the benefits it offered. The truth is mobile app development companies loved Kotlin.

Benefits of Kotlin Programing Language

1) Easy Maintenance

Kotlin has got support from a varied IDEs consisting of Android Studio and such other SDK tools. This will assist in boosting the productivity of the developers as they can carry on with the use of toolkit which they are already using and are familiar with.

2) Lesser Bugs

The code base offered by Kotlin is clear and compact. This enables the code to be very stable and consistent. There are lesser bugs while development and if there are they will be detected at an early stage which allows the developers to fix any errors before the runtime.

Kotlin Programming Learning

3) Enhance Team Efficiency

Because of the succinct and intuitive syntax, Kotlin enables the developers to increase their efficiency. More work can be done in lesser time. Lesser coding, small lines of code, and easy deployment can be done with Kotlin.

4) Collaborate with the existing Java code

Kotlin is such a language which is entirely adjustable with Java. It is 100% cordial with Java and all the tools and frameworks can help at any possible minute to switch from Java to Kotlin with few steps to be followed.

Whether to Learn Kotlin?

Well, the obvious answer to this question is yes. With all the above benefits definitely, you should learn Kotlin if you want to frame your career as an Android developer. This language is new, more refined, more productive way of developing Android apps.

From where to learn?

Now, coming to the question of where should you take your Android training from, here is the answer. Developers Academy is the best Android classes in Ahmedabad teaching both Java and Kotlin. Get yourself enrolled now and start with the training.

career as app developer

Do Mobile App Developer As A Career Option Have Scope?

Any job profile that keeps on trending day after day and doesn’t have any chances of experiencing the downfall in the near future is of the app developer. Well, app development is not just limited to coding and getting done with. It’s a lump sum deal starting from designing, developing, customizing, maintaining and that too in any of the platforms whether it is Android or iOS. Well, there do exist other platforms as well but these two platforms cover 99.3% of the total marketplace as per the data of statista. Let’s step on how you can shape your career as a mobile developer.

Career Scope As A Mobile App Developer

Train To Gain

Well, the only you can be a successful developer is when you train yourself rigorously and gain knowledge and skillset. This is how you can survive in this competitive time. So, the question is which is the right iPhone or Android training institute to enroll yourself into. Also, the time period of training and things to learn during that time period are some of the considerations you must be having.

If you have scrolled the internet and searched for different Android and iPhone classes, and stuck with the confusion which is the right one, can I help you out? Developers Academy is the best institute providing Android, iPhone and PHP training. Also, the institute provides live project training to make the candidate ready to do any project.

What Should Be Included In The Developers Training?

  • The skill of coding.
  • Fair knowledge of how to integrate the design into the development.
  • Understanding of the different methodologies of app development and adaption to the latest agile scrum methodology.
  • Knowledge of the app development lifecycle right from the design to development, testing to deployment, maintenance to updates.
  • The experience of working on the live projects.
  • The talent of developing a glitch-free app.
  • The knowledge of building an app from scratch as well customizing an already existing app.
  • Bug fixing skills.

Job Opportunities For Mobile App Developers

Well, before jumping into any career choice, it’s better to check the market whether it is in the need of who you are going to be or not? It’s not just about whether app development is on trend or not.

Mobile Application Developer Career

Which platform is in the demand? whether it is easy or not? If it is difficult would you be able to grasp and implement it?

To answer it all, yes app development has a future and is not going to vanish anytime in future for sure. Every business, despite the fact small or big, is on the track to get a mobile app developed. Also, whether Android or iOS, choose any of them you are not going to be out of employment in either. The only thing is that with iPhone, you need to have a Mac to get started with the development. Well, it’s expensive. Apart from training, if you want to practice at home or want to do freelancing, Mac is a necessity. This is not the case with Android development, it can be done with any PC. So, look forward to this aspect before choosing your career path.

Wrapping it up :

So, yes you are on the right track to be a developer. Having the right skill set, knowledge base and passion to learn new things, you can totally rock as a developer.

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