Best PHP Frameworks For PHP Developers For 2018
For developing a web app, the most popular and easy server-side scripting language is PHP. It will entail services for interaction with database technology, email handling, and such other tasks. The flexibility that PHP offers make app development easy and convenient. The core benefits that drive most of the app development companies to use PHP for web app development is its ease of learning and good support for database integration and HTML. Coming to the frameworks, they are an aid for the developers to convert the complex development process into a simpler form.
Frameworks make the development process faster, increases productivity, and helps to avoid low-level errors. Here are some of the best PHP frameworks for 2018. Check them out and see which one has greater benefits and can be put to use in your development process.
PHP Frameworks for PHP Developers
1) CodeIgniter
Its an open source framework for PHP used for developing a dynamic website. The installation is easy and needs minimum user configuration. CodeIgniter has a simple interface, contains libraries along with the proper structure. These libraries are there to have access over those libraries, plug-ins, helpers and other such resources which enables the developers to solve the complexities of PHP. It also helps in maintaining high performance. For using CodeIgniter, you need to be familiar with the PHP. If you are not you can take PHP Training From Developers Academy. A sound knowledge of basic syntax and its interaction with HTML and database is a must.
Here are some of the features of CodeIgniter
- Framework having a small footprint
- Optional MVC
- High performance
- App profiling
- Error logging
- Pagination
- Zip encoding class
- User-agent class
- Calendaring class
- Full page caching
- Long-term support with good documentation
- Developer friendly framework
2) Laravel
It’s open source and free framework for PHP developed in 2011 by Taylor Otwell. This framework has a plethora of functions which aims at providing a rapid development process.
Key features of Laravel
- Emailing
- Native support for multiple file system
- Template engine
- Route caching for speeding up the app route registration
- Inbuilt authentication system
- Unit testing as a core part of the framework
- Contains a new directory structure
3) Zend
It’s an open source web app framework. It has a collection of PHP packages which are used for developing web apps and services. It also provides support for MVC.
Core features of Zend
- Cloud API
- Management of the session
- Data encryption
- Perfect for development of enterprise apps
- Its an entirely object-oriented web app framework
- Multi-database support including SQLite and PostgreSQL
- Incorporation of advanced MVC
4) CakePHP
Simple, easy, and again open source framework for PHP development. It is developed in MVC by using model class. This framework enables a secure and rapid app development with lesser coding requirement.
Key features of CakePHP
- Highly secure
- Very clean MVC conventions
- Very user-friendly
- Noteworthy documentation
- Prevention of SQL injection
- Prevention of scripting
5) Symfony
An extremely powerful PHP framework. The basic agenda is to boost the development and maintenance of the web apps and eliminate the repetitive coding works. If you don’t have knowledge about MVC, you will have to separate the code into three zones.
- The logic code which is called the model
- The presentation code which is the view
- The request handling code which is the controller
These are needed for separating the business logic from the presentation layer.