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Android or iOS? : Which is More Preferable To Learn

Blimey!!! Being a developer is a great job. You have a variant path to choose from hybrid or native, Android or IOS. Don’t you think this can even be confusing and intimidating, especially for the one who is at the intuitive stage? The mobile app is the rapidly growing sector and there are no chances, there is going to be any full stop in this trend. With IoT and wearable tech, more and more apps are being developed for both Android and IOS. The role of developer and the process of app development is changing over time with updated versions of OS, the establishment of new devices and new technological advancements. Choosing the OS to pursue your career is totally your choice but if you are in a pendulum and not able to decide. Let me help you with that.

Learn Android or iOS Development?

Market Share Analysis

Most prominent OS existing in the market at this stage is Android, IOS, and windows. Well, windows are way back and the other two have captured almost 97% of the market share. Looking at the figures of the Google App Store & Apple Store, it can be said that a number of apps are developed for Android. There are currently 2.2 million apps in the Apple store and 2.8 million apps in the Google play store. This is because Apple store has more stringent app submission guidelines.

Mobile App Structure

Before choosing any of the platforms for app development, introduce yourself to the basic pattern to follow for app development. This pattern is denoted as modern view controller pattern which remains same for both the platforms.

1) Screen Design

Analysis of the design screen is done and native controls are fixed. This will result in implying designs in the UI of the app.

2) Add Asset to The Design

App project is added proper assets and then the static binding is added and finally, UI views will be availed.

3) Application Programming

The app will then be written in the programming language like java if it is for Android and Swift if it is for IOS.

Once the design flow and its principles are clear, here are some of the essentials that might help a developer in excelling at any of the OS.

Compare Learning Benefits Android or iOS

1) Learning Sessions

The primary step is considered to be one of the most tricky and complex ones. It takes some time to get used to any new technologies and overcome its hacks. iPhone and Android training are also no exceptions to this. IOS and Android have a different set of challenges and pros of their own. This means both take different learning sessions. When the comparative study is set, IOS can be considered as mature than Android. IOS has a pre-defined set of rules for app development and submission and this makes approving the app really difficult. Tools used for iOS app development is also quite good like new swift programming language which makes the training time really short.

Android is quite different as it has more than 5000 devices running on varied OS versions and screen size. What this means is that a developer has to run various compatibility testing. Even the coding and the output can also be a bit difficult which can be little pain in the head for the newbies to get used to this without diving in deep as it is written in java.

2) Tools for Development

Tools impact heavily on any app development process. If the tools are mature and powerful, the sustainability and success of the OS are guaranteed. The integration of IDE affects a lot in the development process. IOS uses the Xcode IDE for the app development process. Whether it is iPad, iPhone, iWatch or MacOS every app can be developed with Xcode. Some of the attractive features of Xcode are UI design interface, debugging, core data, asset management, managing directories and such others.

Back in the date, Android used Eclipse but it was not as noteworthy as that of Xcode. That’s why Android came up with “Android Studio” which is now the official language and has replaced Eclipse. However, this has also not been as satisfactory as Xcode but better than Eclipse. Coming to the conclusion, IOS tools are better than Android.

3) Hardware Needs

Compatibility is not an issue with Android Studio. It can be developed with a major OS like Windows, Linux, and OS. Android apps can be developed on Linux, Mac or Windows machine. Coming to IOS, it is not that flexible. Xcode is designed in a way that it can run only on Mac computer for IOS development. Here the upper hand lies with Android.

4) Licensing for App Submission

Developers need to subscribe to the Apple’s membership program for seeing the app live in the Apple store. A developer has to pay around $100 annually. This can be a huge amount of any new developer pursuing iPhone training. On the other side, Android is quite affordable for the new developers. There is a just one-time registration fee of just $25 to get the apps live in the Google play store. Clearly Android wins here.

being an app developer

Don’t Rush Into The Decision of Being An App Developer

The number of mobile apps in both the Google Play store and the Apple app store has increased massively since its inception stage. It started off with 500 apps in the play store and in the current date, it is around 3.5 million apps. You witnessed the huge escalation in the number of apps, a number of mobile app development company which might evoke the feeling of becoming a developer. The existing revenue can also push you to take the decision of becoming a developer. The question is have you looked at the other side of the situation? I am talking about the competition, the difficulty in becoming a developer and the problems in getting recruited. If not yet, I suggest better do some research and avoid rushing into the decision of becoming an app developer. Here are some of the things to consider before farming your career this way.

Things To Consider Before Becoming Mobile App Developer

1) Pick The Platform

If you intend to avail your app to every smartphone out on the market, then you will have to make it available in a plenty of platforms. Every platform is different and hence you will have to put separate effort and time in making them equal in respect of visual representation and functionality. You can be left perplexed when you think of which platform is best suited to your mobile app. When you pick whether you want to launch your app on Android or iOS, you will be able to decide whether you need to opt for the iPhone or Android training. UI should be the priority while deciding the platform.

Decision of Being An App Developer

2) Have a Clear Vision

You need to have a crystal clear vision what exactly you want from the app. When you have a clear vision, you can indulge in live project training accordingly. Whether your app is to be developed to benefit the ultimate users or to be developed from the business perspective. App development and its success hugely depend on the vision you follow.

3) Create a Revenue Generation Plan

If you have recklessly taken the decision of becoming a developer, you are going to feel a survival issue. The ultimate agenda of becoming a developer is to generate a good source of revenue. If before app development, you haven’t planned the way of generating revenue from the app, you are going to be in a huge trouble.

4) Plan to Pick The Perfect Market and Grab The Users

You might have built the perfect app with all the best features, but it will still fail if you have launched into the wrong market to the wrong set of audience. So, make your market study, choose the correct audience set and launch your app to them for best results.

So, these are the list of factors to be considered before you decide you want to jump in the pool of developers and want to frame your career that way.

Finished Watching App Development Tutorials? Now What?

If you are in the heed of becoming a developer and trying DIY techniques to learn to code and developing, you will probably meet people saying watching tutorials on YouTube, read articles and you will learn it. Following those suggestions, you would have started watching tutorials and reading articles and you will reach a point of time when you are done with all of that. Even after all of that, we will be stuck with the same question, what next? If you are still dumbstruck and don’t have any idea what to do and where to start from. Here is the simple answer to your question, all you need to do is opt for live project training.

You can’t learn or even if you learn until you don’t make the practical implementation of the knowledge, you won’t gain the coding confidence. By the time you don’t gain the coding confidence, you won’t be able to be a good developer. The first step is to pick a language. Learn the language, start building stuff with that language and keep improving. Not one sized shoe fits all the feet, likewise not one method can fit all the app development languages. You have to pick whether you want to indulge in iPhone, Android or PHP project training.

Watching all those tutorials would at least give you the basic knowledge of which language is easy and which one looks difficult and which one is your cup of tea. What you can learn is definitely important but what is in demand in the market is also equally essential. What if the developer you become is already abundant in the market and you can’t really get absorbed? The market study is one of the important criteria to check. So, let’s stroll on the steps of how to build an app or what steps to be taken from the start to end of the app development process:

Steps Should Be Taken As App Development Process

1) Generate The Idea for App

The developer is not just about the coding and getting things work out. Observe the people around you, check what can make their life better. The best app is one which solves one of the routine problems of the users. So, the development starts with finding the idea.

2) Define The Core Features and Functionality

List the things you want your app to do. Once, you make the list you need to decide whether your app really needs all of that or else you are just going to clutter it up with extra things which are not going to add any usability to your app. When you are new in the field, don’t even dare to build an all in one app. That’s a big challenge for the start.

Mobile App Development Process

3) Sketch Your App

This is basically designing phase of your app. You need to plan how your app is going to look and work. You basically need to hire a UI/UX designer for the same.

The best rule of the app designing is to keep things simple.

4) Code It Up

Yes, a step where you need to put focus and put some good hours into. You might get stuck somewhere or you might also get frustrated while coding but don’t give up.

5) Debug It

Being a newbie, you can’t be perfect at first shot. After you develop the app and done with coding, testing the app is a must. You want to launch a buggy app and even if you launch it who is going to install it or be a regular user.

6) Launch It

Based on the platform you have chosen, make the developers account on the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store with registration fees. Post that, launch the app and start getting feedback. If users are suggesting something, make changes accordingly.    

Different Types of Learning Styles

How To Design Training Program for Different Types of Learning Styles?

Learning style differs from person to person. You ingrain this styles right from your schools times. Some students are good with group study while some can learn better when they study alone, some needs tutor while some are good with self-study. This habit continues even when we grow up. A common trait among all learning styles is online training. So, this is what brings us here to explore different training programs for various learning styles. There are various training models prepared to satisfy different learning needs. Let’s start with exploring different training styles.

Types of Training Styles

One of the most prevalent models for tracking different learning styles is VARK model. Based on this model, there are basically four types of training styles based on the types of trainees.

1) Visual Learners

There are trainees who can learn effectively if visual aid is entailed to them. When graphics, images, infographics, videos, animations and such other tactics are inserted in the training sessions, visual learners can catch easily. During live project training, the visual add-on can be really a wonderful aid and help the trainees to grasp very easily.

2) Reading Learners

Learners of this category are fond of plain simple text. They find this learning way more enticing and graspable. Articles, blogs, PDFs, or presentations are their preferred way of training. Such learners find audio or visual techniques rather distracting instead of interesting.

3) Aural or Auditory Learners

Trainees of this category are good listeners. They can understand most from the audio clip or voiceovers when it comes to training. These trainees would rather find the instructor teaching the session more helpful and listening to its recording more useful. Seminars or webinars would rather be more captivating for the learners.

4) Kinesthetic Learners

Trainees of this profile would rather be depended on their senses for learning. These learners would be easily connected if there is some experimental model to learn. It is really impressive in training if trainees can implement the things they learn in the middle of the training sessions to the things right in their head and not to forget it easily.

Training Program That Suits Different Learning Styles

There are basically two learning models for the heterogeneous set of learners. The first one is VARK model which is the primary model and for those who are not satisfied with this model, we have a multimodal option.

1) Setbacks of VARK model

As discussed above, this is the most basic and primary model. This is the simplest model of training. With all those advancements entering the industry, we can’t stick to a single model all the time. Change, betterment and improvement are must to make the most out of the training.

2) Multimodal option

Just like the name suggests, this is actually a combination of different training styles. The trainee can get benefit from every new learning style. The nature of training can change based on the subject of training, place of training, type of content, interest or proficiency of the content. Delivery of training if it is PHP training Ahmedabad will be different from that of designing training.

Approach to Follow

  • Don’t stick to single learning mode, try diversified ways and know which one benefits the most.
  • Try and insert varied media formats to keep the trainees enthralled and engage the trainee’s attention.
  • Build a model from theory knowledge imparting to practical implementation. Train, show, practice, and test. This should be the appropriate flow.
  • Entail the trainees with various training options. Let them be flexible and choose which format can give them maximum benefit.
  • Training model should be opted based on the content and the learner’s type. Think from the learners perspective what can be most appealing and easy to understand.
full stake developer

What is Full Stake Developer And How To Become One?

If you have heard full stake developer a million times, but don’t have exact clarity of what it exactly is then here is the answer. Full stake development is the term used for both front end and back end development parts of an app. This development deals with three layers of the app development right from the idea generation to its full-fledged execution:

1) presentation layer which is basically the front end part that revolves around the user interface.

2) The business logic layer which is basically the back end part that works with the data validation thing.

3) Database layer

Hiring a separate developer for each of the layers can be costly. Equally, paying remuneration for all three of them for a single app is expensive. Software companies are in constant search for expert full stake developers to chuck off hiring three and get it done with just one. Here are some of the skills a full stake developer must own:

  • Project management and coordinating the clients.
  • Front-end code writing in Java, Javascript and HTML.
  • Knowledge to work with system infrastructure, hardware and OS.
  • Backend code writing in Java and creating and using the API.
  • Integrating security layers in the application.
  • Understanding and creating databases.


Becoming a full stake developer is not an easy peasy job. It all starts with getting live project training at first, then taking experience for a significant time span. So, the role of a full stake developer is to frame strategy of the entire app development project, and also ensure its execution. The work is of high responsibility and needs detailed skills set which comes with experience. Well, there are several courses a developer can start off their journey with and then became a full stack developer.

How To Become A Full Stack App Developer?

Well, looking forward to the rise in mobile devices and mobile apps, if you intend to be a full stack developer, learning both iPhone and Android programming language is the must. I know learning both at the same time is not really possible. You can start up with one of them, the one which is easy. Also, pick the one which is in high demand. Because till the time you become a full stake developer, you need a good career to generate revenue from. You can start by taking iPhone training. To be a full stake developer, you need to learn basic fundamentals of variables, loops, OOP concept, Collections, multiprocessing, math operation and much more.

Apart from that, you also need to learn Bootstrap and also Angular JS and then need to learn to implement those skills in the ionic framework to become an expert. Ionic is mandatory to learn if you intend to build a great front-end interface as well as implement server and client-side logic. Also, if full stake mobile app developer is your agenda, you have to learn multi-device and multi-browser coding for developing a hybrid app.

Wrapping up : 

So, basically, two things you can’t skip is training and then experience. You can’t skip even a single aspect of the development cycle. From the beginning of your developer’s journey, you can’t become a full stake developer, it takes experience and the right training to become one.


Trained Or Fresher Whom To Hire For App Development?

App development is not a process which ends when the app goes live. Post app launch management, making regular updates and altering on the base of feedback is something which keeps on carrying on even after the app launch. Upkeep of an app is not like a piece of cake, someone who is new in the game will not be able to manage this stuff. This clearly shows why you need an expert to develop, deploy and then maintain a mobile app. No hatred for freshers but hiring trained employees is a preferable choice on the part of a mobile app development company to cater the quality needs of their clients and also their users.

Good knowledge and skills are always vital for any organization. Employees are capital to the company, but incorporating those who are not trained is rather a liability. Yes, of course, in-house training can also be provided, but indulging directly in the heavy process without adequate experience and expertise both leads to app failure. Let’s explore upper hand of hiring a trained employee as compared with that of the fresher.

Trained Or Fresher To Hire For App Development?

1) Stay Updated With the Industry Alterations

An expert employee is always updated with what’s new entering the market & how to adapt the same to take competitive advantage. If there’s a newbie, he might not be that much up to date with the spontaneous fluctuations entering the industry.

2) Competitive Advantage

Stagnancy can just push your business towards the graveyard. Tech field is ever evolving and competitors are on the go to fetch those advancements, entail their clients with the same to capture the market. It takes time to cope with the new advancements, learn them and implement them even for the inexperienced personnel. When it comes to fresher, it’s difficult for them to be an opportunist and put back competitors swiftly.

Hire For App Development

3) Experience

Trained employees would have undergone live project training, which taught them the challenges and hurdles that come with the app development and ways to combat them. For developers, it’s difficult to bring theoretical things into practical implementation without rigorous training. Training makes the employee ready to face real time problems.

4) Expense Saver

You might be thinking that trained employee would cost more and hence how can they be cost-effective? To your dilemma, when you hire a fresher, you have to impart corporate training for a specified period of time, that will cost you. Even after training, the employee will take few months to cope with the work and won’t be effectively giving the output. This would cost you even more than hiring a trained employee. Anyone intending to be a developer must opt for PHP, Android or iPhone training.

5) Organizational Efficiency Upsurged

Any company or organization is made of its team and associates. When you seek for reaching the top position, you should acquire knowledgeable resources that can take your business to new heights. With freshers, not to say it is not possible, I would rather say it’s difficult. When you have housed dedicated developers, creative content writer, splendid SEO, bombastic business developer and decent designers, your company is sure to rise. 

6) Promotional Opportunities Hyped

Experts have explored the entire A to N of application and they are fairly aware of the inside out of what steps to be taken that can be a positive promotional step. Where, when and how to make the app visible to the right type of audience and compel them to install is something expert employees can hit right. ;

Android or iOS Training

Android or iOS: Which One Is Easy To Get Started With?

When any intuitive idea pops in your head, you are all in your dreamy world, seeing it live on every device and earning a bulk of reputation and revenue.

Well, is it that easy to get it done?

Is it even the right way to get it deployed on all the possible platforms?

Isn’t it too much time-consuming at first and risky at second?

I know I just shot a series of questions at you, the answer to which you probably not know. The prime decision lying in your way is to choose the right platform for a start. Now, this is a big decision I know. If you are an established developer, you have already picked your platform and framed your career therein.

On the contrary, if you are still a newbie and wondering whether to opt for iOS training or Android training. Then here is a full explanation of which platform is better to get started and why.

At present, Android covers a huge market. The platform is highly prevalent in low-income territories and developing countries. iOS is not behind in market share. But it is more prevalent in areas with higher income zone where people can make a heavy investment in the app development. The users of Android are comparatively vast than iOS.

Here are some of the comparative facts that will help you get to the right conclusion.

Comparison Between Android or iOS

1) Deployment Date

One of the major comparing standards for both platforms is the time from development to deployment. We all know that Android is an open-source platform but when it has various carriers and OEMs. Just because of this reason, iOS is one step ahead of Android when it comes to adoption ratio or deployment dates.

Let’s clear this fact with figures. 95% or more iOS users use the latest version of iOS and only 20% of the Android users are such who are using the latest version of the Android. Hence, it concludes that the deployment dates of iOS apps are early. As it has focused on the development, testing, and deployment of the latest iOS version.

2) Revenue Generation

The revenue generation of both these platforms is directly related to Apple and Google. There is no question both are earning impressive revenue.

However, if you are on the verge of choosing whether to pick an Android or iPhone training course then pick the one with greater revenue and better scope. As we discussed earlier, Android has more market coverage, but iOS is more prevalent in an area with high incomes. Hence, the iOS platform is more lucrative compared to Android.

3) Features

Android being open-source, it provides greater access to the operating system to the developers. There were Android apps that were even built with custom ROM. This clearly signifies that certain apps are only for Android and can’t run on the iPhone.

Which Platform is Better?

If you are focusing on developing countries and the target audience for your app is average-income people. Then Android is the right platform for you. However, deploying an app on Android is slower compared to iOS.

The majority of the developers choose to develop an app on the iOS platform at first and then move to Android. You can also do the same, but only when you are highly skilled with this platform. If it is a retail app and you intend to generate more revenue out of it than iPhone development training is the best platform to opt for.

Android Training An Integral Chunk for Placements

Why Is Android Training An Integral Chunk Of Placement?

We are entangled with our mobile devices in a way that even if we want we can’t get away from them. Mobile devices are like a magnet and we are like iron, unintentionally also we get pulled towards them. This is peak time if you are anywhere even a little bit interested in becoming a part of the app development era.

There is no chance the craze of mobile and app development is getting any low. This is the prime time to plunge into & get started as soon as possible. The opportunity to earn is right at your doors, you just need to learn for that. 

Android Training An Integral Chunk

The primary thing is to choose from the iPhone and Android platforms. The number of apps in the Google Play Store is 2.8 Million and that of the Apple app store is 1.8 Million.

Looking at the numbers, we can say that Android has a vast market. Both the sector is on the boom. But if you are a newbie & want to get started as early as possible, Android training would be a better choice.

Which Android Training Academy?

One choice made, another big decision still pending is the best place to take Android training from?

We have an answer for that as well.

Developers Academy is the perfect place to convert your raw talents into polished skills. One of the thoughts encircling your head will be can you learn Android all by yourself. If yes, then why would you enroll in any Android training for beginners and invest some of your saved money? 

There are bulk of reasons which will make you believe training is not an option, it’s a compulsion. One of the greatest benefits you receive from Android training is a valuable addition to your resume.

Any company would prefer a trained candidate so that they don’t have to invest in teaching the basics. Well, the need for taking the resume and finding the companies to get the job will be totally eliminated. If you choose the training institute providing placement opportunities.

Giving a kick start to your career with placement is a great motivation for the newbies. On the contrary, even after getting trained to find a job is being difficult. This can really demotivate you at the initial stage of your career.

Having a reputed name in your resume will set you apart from other candidates applying along with you. Well, there is nothing in the name, it’s in the skill set you own. Here are some of the benefits of joining the academy that gives placement.

Benefits of Joining Android Training Institute

1) Train from Experienced Brain

Self-learning will not teach you how to face real-life development challenges. Joining advanced Android training at a reputed training institute will make you ready to combat real-time challenges.

You will get training under experienced people in the industry. Who will already know the easy way out of the trouble you find complicated. You can get pro tips from pro-people. 

2) Comfortable Environment 

When you are learning from an institute, you get comfortable in that place. You spend almost 6 months in the same place, learning new things and getting new experiences.

The place, the people, the culture, the working environment all become very familiar to you. So joining that place as an employee would not be that awkward which will help you explore more. 

3) Motivation

Being placed at the Android training institute in Ahmedabad from where you have taken your training is a great opportunity. This means you have been a good trainee and proved your eligibility to be a good Android developer.

This will motivate you a lot and help you improve yourself even more.

What Do You need For iPhone Training?

iPhone Training: Do You Need It Or You Can Get Started?

If you think the iPhone app development is like shooting fish in a barrel, then my friend you are incorrect. If this would be the case, then every second person would an iOS developer.

If you are on the verge of opting iOS developer as your career without having to opt for iPhone Training, then let me give you a rude awakening. You should not, I repeat you should not make this mistake. iPhone development is a critical task. Being a newbie in this field taking over already established existing app needs some serious talent and skill. Here’s what you need to get started.

What Do You need For iPhone Training?

1) Mac For Sure

Let’s start with the basics, you can’t be an iPhone developer until you have a Mac. This is probably the first investment you need to do to get started with. Well, if you are not in the league of being a freelancer and want to be an iOS developer in some established and reputed company, here’s one thing you can do.

Join an iOS training institute in Ahmedabad where you will get a Mac. You can learn there and get the required skills by the time you complete it. Also, you can have placement right there. One of the benefits you don’t get if you choose self-learning.

2) Apple Developers Account – It’s Must

No, this doesn’t cost you a penny. There is a different paid iOS developer program and here we are talking about the free one.

So, what benefits you get if you get an Apple Developers account?

You can now download Xcode, get the documents of the iOS SDK and access to several other resources like app development tutorial videos. The registration process is very simple. You need to visit Apple’s developer website, create your Apple ID if you haven’t already created it and fill your personal details.

3) Swift Programming

This is the basic programming language developed by Apple for their apps. So, if you are on the way to be an iOS developer, learning Swift is a must. Swift is not a complex and big language, but getting trained in it is time-consuming.

However, you don’t have to know everything to get started. You just need to learn some of the basics of basic syntax, options, error handling, control flow, and objective C interoperability.

4) Basic Of iOS App Designing

iOS apps are best known for supreme and accurate design. The iOS app store has stringent app submission guidelines and it has some specific set of rules for app design. Apple is very specific about its data storage and way of its display to the users. Being able to understand and learn these design patterns, it’s important to get enrolled at a proper iPhone developer training course.

It will teach you some of the basic yet critical things like model view controller (MVC). This is one of the most useful things to learn for becoming an iPhone developer. It portrays the way of data storage and how the user handles the data.

It also manages the app updates with user demand and feedback. Notifications are also one of the integral chunks of the designing. Delegate pattern is also one of the designs for information sharing in Cocoa.

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